I think it is time for me to start taking magnesium again. Magnesium is particularly useful for relieving muscle soreness, which I suspect is something I will be dealing with a lot in the next few weeks and months now that I am putting a new training regime in place.
The other reason I suspect I could do with a Magnesium boost is because I have been craving chocolate a lot lately. Chocolate cravings signal a possible magnesium deficiency.
Tonight I fixed that craving with these easy chocolate fondants. So good.
As much I'll happily include chocolate here and there in my nutrition plan I'd rather not be raiding the pantry for it on a daily basis. It is far from the highest ranked natural source of Magnesium with things like leafy greens, nuts and seeds, fish, beans & lentils, low fat dairy, avocados and bananas among some of the foods that will provide you with more magnesium than chocolate.
My diet is already pretty well packed with good Magnesium sources so I need to consider cutting back on my caffeine consumption. Caffeine can interfere with the way our bodies absorb vitamins and minerals, Magnesium is one thing that it can interfere with.
I know that I have a whole lot of muscle soreness ahead of me in coming weeks so I want to do everything I can to ease it so I will be consciously cutting back my caffeine but I will also introduce a supplement for a while.
When choosing one look for a Magnesium chloride supplements because this is the form generally considered to allow for the greatest uptake and availability. Magnesium supplements are not suitable for everyone and should be avoided by people with heart and kidney problems.
Word is that magnesium plays a big role in our sleep cycle too so I'm hoping that it will help me out with getting a more consistent sleep each night than I have been lately.
Tatum xx