Yesterday Pip @ Meet Me at Mikes invited people to add links to their blogs to her post. I followed a few links to blogs here and I found is called se7en+1. I was a little worried about finding a head in a box when I got there, thankfully not ;) I found the blog of a South African homeschooling mama of 7...holy moly! Her most recent post directed me to the blog of a crafty Swedish Mama Lilla a who is curating a shoebox cities. How very cool! She has some fabulous crafty things on her blog, I will be back for sure (and you don't even have to be able to read Swedish, nice!)
I decided that we would spend some time making shoebox houses after I picked this kids up at 3 when I finished work. Turned out that it took us 2 hours to go to the bank, the jewelers, Woolies, back to the jewelers and the post office so we had no chance of making any shoe box houses before dinner.
Given that it is school holidays I decided to throw caution to the wind and the kids and I indulged in a little afternoon crafting session...well, not Charlotte, she has been Miss Attitude this afternoon so she missed out. She'll get to do hers when she can be a bit nicer to everyone.
We started by covering our boxes with Gesso
<3 this photo x about a zillion...there is just something about it that rocks my world.
Then they all chose a colour and painted the front of their house
Sebastian: 'I love my yellow'. That's my boy! Lil mixed her own pink from white and red.
Next came the decoration...paper, card, patty pans, stickers, pipecleaners and more...what fun!
After a couple of hours we were done (well not Lil, she tells me she still wants to add more)
I'll take the 'official' photos this afternoon (when Lil is finished) and send them off to be part of the exhibition. Joy. They do look so happy sitting in a row on the kitchen bench. The kids a re keen to decorate the inside too so I guess we might get a bit of mileage out of this littl craft activity.
It will be interesting seeing Charlotte's take on the exercise. She is unlikely to accept anything less than perfection in her own eyes so it may go gloriously well or it could be a crash and burn.
I am looking forward to getting stuck into lots of crafty stuff with the kids over the next week. Mel & Tamar are hosting Hip Hop Hooray for Easter with a whole heap of projects for kids.
We will definitely be doing some of them! I love the bunny ears Mel posted yesterday...think we might try making some of them this afternoon.
Are you planning any crafts for these School Holidays? What are some of your favourite craft resources?
Tatum xx