On Saturday I spent some time with the kids doing a couple of the Hip Hop Hooray projects cooked up by the clever pair, Mel and Tamar.
We started out by making some cute bunny ears. Each of the kids picked their own colours and it was Lil who was my main helper putting them together. Charlotte and Sebastian sat on the couch and watched a movie and Miss J had an afternoon nap.
Love how they turned out. We had some bunny races in the back yard!
J makes such a cute bunny!
There was plenty of laughter
And we generally had a lovely afternoon.
After we'd had some fun with our bunny ears we popped into the kitchen to make some easter egg wagon wheels.
It was messy business, there was plenty of laughs watching the marshmellows start to ooze in the microwave. They turned out looking a bit messy but the yummy factor makes up for it!
We've had a quiet Easter Sunday, including most of the packing ready for our big trip! I'll be back tomorrow to play point+shoot but right now I'm going to cut and pin a couple of things all ready to be sewn up tomorrow.
Hope that you are having a lovely easter!