Today is Blog Day, who knew? In honour of the 6th Anniversary of Blog Day I'm linking up with Nuffnang and sharing 6 blogs from around the world that I enjoy reading!
I came across Erica's blog via Small Style on Mama Loves Papa. Erica is a mama of one (very cute little girl) living in Japan but actually a Canadian. I love reading about her experiences living and raising her daughter in a totally foreign country.
I love Morgan's blog for so many reasons. She blogs about so many things that I just love reading about. Kids (she's a mama to 4 too), clothes & fashion, vintage & thrifting, homeschooling, being a family. It's all good.
You know when you meet a new blog and you just feel and instant rapport with the blogger. Kate Says Stuff was one of those for me. Kate is yet another mama of 4, she blogs about life, love, family and well, stuff...the ups and downs, the good and the bad. She's a glass half full person too and I love that. She also has the most kickass bownie recipe...ever.
When I grow up I want to be just like Emily. Em's blog is one of the first blogs I ever started reading, that would be nearly 7 years ago now. She is creative and spiritual and her writing and children are delightful, her blog pretty much always makes me feel happy. The Falconbridge family are Aussies living in Perth so there are plenty of tales told. I'm growing out my now bald head to have dreadlock's like Em's (and my mum was horrified at the thought of me shaving it tee hee).
I also want to be like Nikki when I grow up. I may in fact have a little bit of a girl crush on her. Nikki blogs about style, fashion and beauty both as a commentor and a reviewer. As a huge lover of fashion I love it all, can't get enough even. I visit daily for a little style fix.
Just Me, My Soldier and Our 4 little Chicks
I started reading Stephanie's blog for scrapbooking inspiration but her blog is about so much more than scrapbooking. She is mama to 4 (oh wow, another one) her hubby is an army man who is regularly deployed...I've laughed and cried reading her blog, she just has a way with words. I love the way she shares her everyday in just such a way.
Have you found any new blogs that you love lately? Share them with me :)
Have an excellent Wednesday...I'm going to whip this house back into order and do some more work on the tutorial I have planned for Saturday.
Tatum xx