Happy September!
I am glad that it is September...that means its spring and the winter weather is truly on it's way out...and I am going to be at home for the entire month, pretty sure it is the first month for the year that I will spend entirely at home. I'm excited.
I've got lots planned for the blog this month...plenty of crafty stuff...starting with a fun, simple sewing tutorial on Saturday.
Later in the month I'll be hosting a Sew A Long together with Morgan from Mama Loves Papa. We will be sewing the Lisette Itinerary dress. It's a great dress for every body so if you have always wanted to have a go at sewing something for yourself September is your month.
One of my favourite online fabric stores, Hawthorne Threads, is sponsoring me so I have a couple of vouchers to give away! If you are keen to give this a go you can purchase the pattern here or here.
I'm also planning on giving the Collette Pallette Challenge a go (except for spring of course)...I'll see how I go, time might get the better of me on that one!
I've got 10 more food ideas for keeping small bellies full.
There will be my regular What's for Dinner and Get with the Program Weekly posts. I'm also introducing another new weekly food related post.
Survey responses indicated that my recipes and food posts are one of the top favourite things you enjoy on my blog...so I'm giving you more! If you haven't filled in my survey yet I'll leave it up until the end of next week, I'd love it if you could spare the 5 minutes. The responses have been really helpful and encouraging.
There will be more about the kids, a Chalk and Cheese post to go with The Special Two.
There'll be some Small Style and new things from Green Dandelion.
With a bit of luck there might even be a little bit of scrapbooking...who knows.
I'll definitely be talking about house hunting and possibly about packing
I'll be launching (or very close to) my new look that Leigh-Ann of Freckled Nest has been busy designing for me. I love what I have seen so far!
What do you have planned for September? do you think you'll be braving your sewing machine and joining in on the sew a long?
Don't forget that there is a facebook page for Somewhere in My Imagination where you can easily keep up to date on what I am up to!
Happy Spring!
Tatum xx