Homocidal maniac probably would have made a good title too but I didn't want to be too over the top.
I think blind rage is what I was experiencing last night and this morning I just want to cry my eyes out. I hoped a good night of sleep would have made me feel better but it hasn't.
We have been waiting on the outcome of a home loan application for much too long and right now we seem to have been placed at the whim of either a pimply faced teenager with a point to prove or someone with a serious chip on their shoulder. Because there is no other way to describe how we arebeing treated other than being fucked with. I'm sorry. I wouldn't normally swear but today there are no other words.
I can't concentrate to string two sentences to blog about anything else right now. I am finding it difficult to let much else other than the outcome of this loan into my thoughts at all.
However I do need to add a reminder about the Sew A Long and that the giveaway for the 2 x $25 Hawthorne Threads vouchers closed last night. Because I'm feeling fuzzy (not in a good way, prickly might be a better word) about everything and forgot to draw it last night so I'll do it tonight instead....at the moment there are only 2 commenters so I think that they have a pretty darn good chance of winning right now!
Cross your fingers that I get put out of my misery today...and all suggestions of great bank packages and mortgage brokers will be greatfully accepted!
Happy Friday
Tatum xx