Friday was a crazy day in this house.
Lil had a friend over to play. Charlotte went to one of her friend's houses to play (and for that I am crazy grateful, thankyou xx)
S and J...well they were like a whirlwind. From the time J raised her precious, sideways sleeping, beautiful bed haired head it was game on.
Toys were distributed throughout the house.
Paper cut and bits spread everywhere.
J escaped from her shower with me and ran wet and nude through the house until I could catch her.
We made sausage rolls and spinach triangles. I almost burnt some of the triangles because my mum called while they were cooking. I had at least 3 phone calls literally back to back.
There was fighting, wrestling and yelling.
Tantrums because S couldn't get the Wii to do what he wanted and then tears because I wouldn't let him play anymore because I couldn't deal with the tantrums.
S decided to indulge in some waterplay in the bathroom sink.
J peed on the floor in the kitchen immediately after being taken to the toilet where she couldn't quite muster up the piddle.
It was crazy windy and I had to pick up washing from around the yard. know what?
As I sit here surrounded by my slightly chaotic life I can step back and smile and be reminded of all the things, admist the chaos, that I am grateful for.
I am grateful that I pretty much get a full night's sleep every night, even though I generally wake up with a couple of children in the bed with us.
I am grateful for new friendships, and good friends in general.
I am grateful that I have 4 happy, healthy, vibrant, creative, spirited children...even if they drive me around the bend some days. They are the centre of my world. I just wish they wouldn't fight and have tantrums, there really is no way to find something to be greatful for in that!
I am grateful that the small boy loves spinach. Thankyou kindy.
I am grateful that I can pick up the phone and talk to my mum, and that she bears with me amidst the chaos.
I am grateful that the kids love water.
I am grateful that J peed on the kitchen floor and not at Woolies.
I am grateful that it was just windy and that wind blew the big black storm clouds away so it didn't actually get wet.
I am grateful that I got through the day without crying. There was one point where S was crying about the Wii and J was crying because I wouldn't let her have a shower, both loudly, and one in each ear. I put my head in my hands and nearly started crying but my nude but for a nappy bubba stopped crying over her molehill and put her arm around me and made sure that I was okay.
And I was.
I'm linking up with Maxabella for this weeks Grateful for.
Happy Weekend
Tatum xx