Each year now for about as long as I have been scrapbooking Ali Edwards has selected and lived her way through each year with a focus on One Little Word. She has prompted many thousands around the world to follow suit and choose their annual word to live by.
For the last couple of years I have chosen a word. Last year it was move forward. I didn't write about it but when I look back I lived it. 2011 saw much forward momentum in my life.
2012 for me is all about rediscover.
I wasn't planning on choosing a word for myself this year but in amongst all my thoughts over the past few months it seems to have found me. I think it popped into my head one day a few weeks ago when I was vacuuming, or something equally mundane.
There are so many things I am looking forward to rediscovering this year.
From a professional role to my favourite crafts.
My home town. T
he simple joy of living near my family and being able to see my mum or one of my sisters every.single.day.
Strength and endurance.
Fresh food, after so many years living in remote locations the availability, abundance and choice of fresh food is a constant source of inspiration.
Old friends (and new).
Passion (and that probably doesn't mean what you think it does ;) ...passion in all I do is something that has always been important to me)
I want to spend 2012 with my eyes and mind wide open.
I have some big goals for the year. I am still very much in the stage where I am trying to find acceptance within myself that I can actually achieve them.
2012, bring it on.
Have you chosen a word to live by for 2012?
Tatum xx