To be honest I don't really have a 'bucket list' as such but if I did being part of a flash mob would have been on it. I have been hanging out to be part of one for ages.
What is a flash mob?
A flash mob (or flashmob)[1] is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression
(thank you Wikipedia)
Why? You might ask...well I love random acts of happiness, I love things that make people smile, I love music and I love to dance (although I'm really not much good at it!).
Many weeks ago Lauren was flicking through the fringe guide and pointed out a flash mob workshop being held during the festival. Winner winner, quick as a flash I'd snapped up tickets for my sisters, my big girls and myself.
So...Monday night, the night of the workshop, finally rolled around and we headed across town to a dance studio packed with sweaty (mostly female) bodies and learnt the moves...or, as in my case, tried to. I just can not coordinate a left right left left, just ask my personal trainer.
Anyone say rub your tummy and pat your head? Not me.
Dodgy dance moves on my behalf aside I wiggled my butt off and left feeling pretty pumped for the actual events.
Saturday morning Sam, Lil and I went cross town again for a bit more practice at Norwood before our flash mob debut.
At 11 we headed out on to the Parade for our 11.15 'impromptu performance' in the Norwood Mall.
To be honest I don't think I have done too many things in my life that given me that grinning from ear to ear adrenalin rush that being part of a flash mob did. Amazing!
We met Lauren in town and followed up the Norwood performance at the Blue Note Club, which is part of the Fringe, near the Torrens. If you haven't been around the Festival and Convention centres recently I can tell you that there are some seriously funky setups for the Adelaide mad month of March. I think I need to have a date night with my husband...anyone want to babysit?
Anyway, I digress, here is a YouTube video of part of the performance. The initial parts feature the dance pad principal Emma, some other professional dancers and some of her students. I'm looking forward to seeing full videos of the performances, I'll share them as I find them on my facebook page as I find them!
I'm not much of a dance aficionado but watching Emma dance kind of blew me away, I would love love to be able to send Lil to her classes but it will have to wait until there isn't quite so much running around going on.
Have you ever been part of a flash mob? Are you keen to do one? I think I am addicted!
Tatum xx