After six months of working part time again I am slowly starting to get the hang of things. I worked pretty much full time for much of the time Charlotte and Lil were little but had only done small packages of contract work in the 4+ years we lived in Roxby.
Now after all those years spent wearing jeans and Pink boots to work on a minesite I'm getting dressed up and heading to work in the city three days a week, and I'm loving it.
It doesn’t matter how organised you are, the kids will still get ready in their own sweet time. Nagging them does not make them go faster but it does, at least, keep them moving.
The best way to learn to walk in heels is to start small and work your way up. Much like ugg boots in public, wearing sneakers to and from work is rarely a good look, but then again nor is falling on your arse in public…stick with ballet flats if you are unsure of your capabilities.
Mummaguilt never goes away, it gets pretty agonising when a child doesn’t like school/kindy/day care. Thankfully dislike of day care has never been a problem for us.
There comes a time in a child’s life when it is okay to expect them to put their own lunchbox in their bag….and take it out again at the end of the day.
If you catch public transport, better face the fact you are just going to have to learn how to run in heels. Your morning routine WILL be timed down to the minute.
Being at work during school holidays sucks.
It’s totally worth those ten extra minutes making lunches the night before, leaving them until morning backfires 99% of the time.
No matter how bad the mummaguilt is being able to eat/shop/people watch undisturbed during your lunch break is actually pretty awesome.
Getting dressed up is fun, until it starts to get cold…then wearing all those layers starts to get annoying, and expensive.
It’s okay to be selfish with the time you do have at home by yourself (what’s that?) and with your family…that goes for all mums…use it wisely.
There is a happy medium there somewhere and you can find it, it might take some trial and error but you should never beat yourself up because you aren’t wonder woman. I haven’t actually met the woman who ‘does it all’ on the outside who feels like she is wonder woman on the inside.
Tell me your best working mum tips...what are the best and worst things for you?
...and a special hello if you are visiting me via today's article in the Adertiser. I have blushed several times already when people have commented on my photo :)
Tatum xx