I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason but, as you might remember, I don't cope well with have decisions about my life being put outside my control. It's a difficult combination of emotions to reconcile, trying to maintain the que sera sera attitude while my brian spirals out of control with worry and what ifs.
Last month Charlotte went to cub leadership camp. It meant two nights away with a group of kids and adults she mostly had never met. She was unfazed about this and excited about a weekend of fun and adventure. She loves being a cub. It wasn't until after we had dropped her off that it occurred to me how brave she was, it made me feel very proud.
With BlogHer12 imminent I know I am feeling quite intimidated by the fact I won't have met anyone there before but I need to suck it up, take a leaf out of her book, put myself out there, relax and enjoy. I'll just remember not to be quite so bossy as she reportedly was on camp :)
I have been toying with some ideas and options for the future. Slowly but surely I have been mapping out a plan. There are a few things going on that may force my hand on this but they might not too, things may just stay the same but right now I don't know the answer to that. To be honest I'm not sure which I'm more scared of, the fact I might be thrown in the deep end or the knowledge that I might have to make that decision on my own, with nothing forcing my hand. One way or another it is going to take a big leap of faith on my behalf and trust there will be something at least a little bit soft to break my fall.
I need to be brave like my big girl was because life is too short to wonder about what could have been.
Do you think of yourself as being brave? Have you taken a leap of faith lately? Was the landing soft?
Tatum xx