How it got to be Monday again I do not know.
Last week was one of those weeks where I did not sit down to relax even once. I was finishing up cleaning up the kitchen and making lunches and heading straight to bed without any couch time. I was out like a light when my head hit the pillow.
Not surprisingly not time = no blogging. I wrote some great posts while I was running and swimming though...I just need to spend enough time in front of the keyboard to spew them forth onto the screen with as much awesomeness as I wrote them in my head. That's always the tricky bit isn't it?
I'm excited for a new Monday, a fresh start to a new week. I love Monday. It is an especially good one today because the kids have the day off school. No nagging, no rushing to get ready to school run or pick up. The sun is shining, we are going to play outside and make gingerbread men, because we can.
I love the new plans that come with each week, new lists and new ideas
I love that there are a few things crossed off from last weeks to do list
I love that we haven't strayed from the menu plan yet and I have a whole week of yummy dinners ahead
I love that my upper body is recovered for another week of training
I love that I feel organised for at least most of the day
I love spending time in the kitchen, Monday is my baking day
I love that the kids are refreshed after two days off from the intensity of school, tears are less and happy cuddles more abundant
Switching my Monday workday for Tuesday is one of the best moves I have made this year.
Do you love Mondays too? What is your favourite day of the week?
Happy Monday
Tatum xx