By definition skinny literally means looking like skin and bones. Last time I looked in the mirror, which wasn’t long ago, because I like looking at myself in the mirror, I’m pretty sure what I saw was not resemblant of skin and bones.
Two years ago I weighed about 5kg more than I do now and I know that my chest resembled skin and bones a whole lot more than it does today. Today my chest is covered with muscle. I have visible abdominal muscles, some say my back is quite impressive.
I am strong.
I am fit.
I am healthy.
I am physically the healthiest I have been in my adult life because I want it to be that way.
It doesn’t stop there though because there is an element of mental health to this to.
I am strong.
I am healthy.
I am focused.
I am mentally the healthiest I have been in my adult life.
Why is it then, that because a Size 6 is not a squeeze for my ass, that people feel it is okay to tell me that I am too skinny/too thin/too muscly/need more meat on my bones, whatever. Why is that okay to say that to me when it would be considered rude to tell someone squeezed into a size 24 that they were too fat?
Yes I did just say that. I needed to get it off my chest.
Why is it okay to imply that maybe I have a problem, when I am actually in amazing physical condition, when it’s socially unacceptable to tell someone who is actually unhealthy that they are unhealthy? It’s a bit of a double standard don’t you think?
I train like an athlete because I love it, not exclusively to make my body look a certain way, I can assure you that I eat like one too. I don’t deprive myself of foods. I eat exactly what I feel like eating and what I feel like eating is good, nutritious stuff. When I get hungry it’s not the empty belly growling hunger you get from a nutrient poor carbohydrate induced low, my arms and legs get hungry.
If my physique makes you uncomfortable perhaps you should be asking yourself why.
Call me skinny if you want, it’s an easy term to use although I personally think lean is more appropriate to me just leave the too bit out of it.
If you are not a regular reader here I would suggest that you don’t read this post in isolation because it will possibly give you the wrong impression of what I stand for. I believe in leading a healthy lifestyle and I strongly believe that we are fed all sorts of body image bullshit by the media so our impression of what is healthy has become severely distorted. To me a healthy person looks a whole range of different ways and what t right for one person is possibly not right for the next person. I don’t compare myself to others or vice versa, I’m just focused on me and achieving the things I want out of life.