It's been a while sice I posted about a book that I have just finished reading, but I just finished the first one I felt was worthy of writing about for a while. Last night I hopped into bed a touch before 11, grabbed my kindle and started reading for a bit, just like I do pretty much every night. Reading is my sleep tonic. I turned off the light around 1.15 am, whoops.
Usually I read a chapter or two, sometimes less, sometimes more. One of the things I especially love about the kindle is I can stop reading mid page and I don't loose my spot.
I first spotted this book when I was in the a dress shop. There is a yellow dress on the cover it is a total no brainer that I was drawn to the cover.
So, last night I pulled it out with at least 30% of the book still to go, I had no plans of finishing it but I was at the summit of the book. The place where you start reading and cannot put it down until you reach the very end. Sometimes that happens a few chapters in and in some it unfortunately never happens and you just slog away to the end.
I digress, I'm rambling a is a lovely book. If you enjoy reading Elsie Larson's blog then chances are you are going to love this book because it is set around a vintage dress shop where the dresses have stories. It has (very) sad bits (I almost cried), funny bits and a even a spot of romance. The words are beautifully illustrative, I could picture things in my head. I definitely wanted to go and look in the store and try on a dress or three. If you like vintage fashion then you will most likely love this book too.
I can imagine the book as a movie. It would make an excellent chick flick....the sort of thing you would love if you enjoyed Steel Magnolias, Mona Lisa Smile and How to Make an American Quilt...and that goes for the book too.
It comes with reading group questions (at least it does on my kindle) so it would be a good one to consider for your book club (if you are in one).
The author, Erin McKean, actually has a blog where she writes secret lives and talks about vintage fashion. She writes some very funny dialogues between the characters on the fronts of vintage pattern packs. I'm pretty excited that not only did I find a lovely read but I also found a new vintage style blog to read, bonus!
I found myself a few thift store vintage pieces when I was in the USA. Do you like vintage fashion or do you prefer to stick with new clothes? I know it's not for everyone and whilst I can imagine wearing vintage more or less fulltime I do like having a few pieces in my wardrobe that I can throw in the mix. Have you read the book? What do you think?
Happy Tuesday!
Tatum xx