Several months ago, after my body had started to show some changes I suppose, I was chatting with another mum of four who was bemoaning the fact she had two personal training sessions a week but wasn't really getting any results.
'Oh', I replied.
She went on to say that perhaps she needed to spend a bit more time in the gym or do something else on other days but she didn't have time to do more.
'Mmm' I replied while my head said something else entirely. I don't think I rolled my eyes but I might have. I think what I think and for that I make no apologies.
You know those ads on TV for the fast-fat-blasting-detoxing-super-sexy-abs-in seven-days-or-your-money-back-guaranteed magic potions, they don't work. How is it that people fall for that? Usually they claim to raise your metabolism, that usually means raising your heart rate. That sounds like a recipe for potential disaster to me.
There is no such thing as a magic pill for anything in life.
Paying a gym membership won't change your fitness level if you don't go.
Going to the gym won't have the impact you are hoping for unless you clean up your diet to match.
And, a session or two a week with a personal trainer without much else movement on your behalf isn't like waving a magic wand. As good as some may be they went to Personal Trainer School not Hogwarts.
What ever it is you want to achieve you have to have the right mindset. If you want something badly enough then you do the work to make it happen. Fitness and health is no different to anything else in your life.
Once upon a time you would have gone to school or uni or something to train your brain to learn so you could get a job and earn money. You may have worked hard to achieve something and ended up with a kickass job, well respected in your field because you worked freaking hard to get there. Or not.
I want to run a marathon, I want to have a healthy heart, I want to have a long life with my family, I want a good marriage, I want to be successful. I want to be fit and healthy. I work hard for the things that I want to achieve in life.
Health and fitness is no different. If you want results you put in the hard work. For life. It's not a fad or an obsession it's something you commit to and it becomes part of who you are, just like your job, your family or whatever else it is in your life that is important to you. It is part of who you are and you work hard at it to make it the best that it can be. No excuses.
If you want it badly enough you work hard for it. The end.