Whilst there are areas of my life where I like to be all planned and organised these are usually the more utilitarian areas, the areas that need streamlining to ensure that life runs relatively smoothly and to help keep my sanity. However, there are plenty of areas of my life that are jumbled and a little disorganised.
On Thursday Lil was desperate to do some sewing. So having the absolute essentials under control I disappeared into her room with her and pinned and ironed while she sewed her little heart out.
On Friday we took the kids for a walk along the beach so that the boy could have a go at riding his skateboard. I lost count of how many times he fell on his ass but he really gave it his all. He will get there.
On Saturday I told Steven that the absolutely most important thing that he had to do that day was play lego with the kids. So he did.
On Sunday I took the girls to get their ears pierced. We had tried to plan it before Christmas but kept on running out of hours in the day. I didn’t tell them what we were off to do other than going to the shops so it was extra good to give them a surprise. We followed it up with smoothies with my little sister, and impromptu girlie date.
On Monday we were invited for New Years Eve dinner at a friend’s house. So many laughs and many bottles of good wine.
On Tuesday I had an unexpected hangover, unexpectedly mild given the volume of Moet and red wine my friend had poured in my glass and I had poured down my throat throughout the evening.
I love impromptu moments in life. An unexpected knock on the door for a cuppa and a chat, a meal pulled together because there are friends at my table and it’s dinner time. Fish and chips on the beach because the weather is beautiful and it’s Tuesday, heart shaped fairy bread sandwiches tucked into lunchboxes because it makes a nice little surprise.
I am determined to keep up with the Fat Mum Slim photo a day challenges this year. I feel sad about not having recorded more of our life on the camera in 2012 and I want to rectify that this year. I even have a Kikki.K 365 journal to put the photos and words together in. If you want to see what I'm up to you can follow me on instagram.
Today’s prompt was heart. I knew what I was going to photograph but then I forgot to take my shoes for work to the gym with me and had to go home so I didn’t have time for the little lunch time walk I had planned. Instead I pulled out a lipstick I don’t wear and did something I have never done before, I drew on the mirror. It will be a bugger to clean but it made me happy doing it and makes me happy thinking about it now.
An impromptu moment in life, one of those moments that often become favourites.
Will you be documenting the little moments this year? I’d love to know how you are going about it and any tips you might have for staying on track if you have done it before?
Tatum xx