We had a gloriously lazy/productive...kind of doesn't go hand in hand but it was definitely both...weekend.
Saturday was spent at market. I had a nice morning with my Green Dandelion stall. We'll be loading up the shop this week with a free postage special so keep your eyes peeled for shop updates on our facebook page.
Saturday afternoon was definitely especially lazy, hanging out on the couch, making nachos for dinner followed by more hanging out on the couch.
Sunday morning we kicked off with a home cooked bacon, eggs, tomatoes & hash browns kind of breakfast. It was pretty kickass. I attempted poached eggs using glad wrap for the first time and despite my misgivings it was actually quite successful!
Next Steven and I kicked into full house cleaning mode, although I switched into cooking mode around 1, then went for a run, blogged and got back in the kitchen while he continued in full cleaning mode. Starting the week with a fully cleaned house for the first time in who knows how long has definitely set me up for a very productive week!
While we were cleaning Charlotte was tucked up in bed reading after a late night out a dirt circuit with a friend. Lil, S and J spent a good part of the day in the backyard playing baseball and swinging in the hammock. They made us giggle when they came inside to change their shirts for their yankees jerseys.
We had a rather funny shopping trip to a kmart somewhere in california perhaps? I don't remember but we went in for nappies and came out with baseball gloves for all the kids, balls, a metal t-ball bat and a batting helmet for S. Steven drew the line at the pink batting helmet for J but I laughed a lot when I found him scooting her around in the trolley with the pink glove on her hand and pink helmet on her head!
We finished off by having some friends around for dinner to hear all about their recent trip to NYC. I cooked the bistro menu from the current Donna Hay magazine with a few alterations here and there but everything was delicious...the chocolate semifreddo for dessert and beetroot carpaccio for starters were the highlights.
There are 10 different menus in the current magazine and I think I am going to have fun cooking my way through them...I think I might try my hand at the middle eastern menu next if anyone wants to invite themselves over for dinner?
Hope that you had a lovely weekend...as usual I am linking up with Point + Shoot over at Sunny + Scout. Look forward to catching up on what others have been up to!
Happy Monday!
Tatum xx